Sunday, November 25, 2012


In August, we ventured out on a 3 week trip (we drove nearly 4000 miles round-trip). This was not a leisure trip as Leo worked most of the time. Our first stop was Denver and then from there we went to Arizona (Pinetop and Globe) and New Mexico (Gallup, Sante Fe, and Albuquerque).
We had to start the trip off with a stop at Ole's Big Game Feed in Paxton, NE. Think Rainforest Cafe, except with wild game all around (there are more than 200 wild game trophies!).
The big polar bear at Ole's
A few of the "trophies"
Love this motto taken from Focus on the Family. I would have to say that Focus on the Family was an awesome stop to make in Colorado Springs. We had gone to the Children's Musuem in Denver and was super sad to see how overcrowded and downhill it had become since our last experience. Focus on the Family was so much more enjoyable and the girls had a blast!
Makenna at Focus on the Family.
I had to take this picture only because I really enjoy Dr. Juli Slattery. She has been a speaker at Hearts at Home for many years and is a great inspiration. I just heard at Hearts at Home this year that she has left Focus on the Family for a different job.
Dr. Dobson Sr.
The huge 3-story slide. The girls loved this!
A view from Focus. You can see where some of the wild fires were.
The Playplace at Focus.
"Adventures in Odyssey"
Kinzi about to enter Narnia through the wardrobe
Kinzi and Aslan
Kinzi at the rock shop trying to decide which rock to get
The Royal Gorge
Somewhere in between Colorado Springs and Pagosa Springs
Gallup, New Mexico
The Painted Desert
Makenna after completing the Junior Ranger Program at The Painted Desert and Petrified Forest National Park.
Pinetop, AZ
Makenna at Pinetop, AZ
Salt River Canyon
Hiking near Santa Fe

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