Sunday, November 25, 2012

Some firsts...

While on our trip, we also had several first experiences.
1. First time petting a sting ray. While at the Denver Aquarium, we got to pet a sting ray. What a slimy thing it was!
2. First time feeding an ostrich.
3. First time eating fry bread. Not the kind you buy at the fair but real Navajo fry bread. It was fabulous!
4. First time eating roasted green chiles and the first time eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich. I am hooked on Chick-fil-A now. While in Arizona, there was a small grocery store roasting green chiles. We weren't able to buy any there since we had a long part of the trip left, but I did happen to snag some in Sante Fe on the way home. They are delicious and I still have some in my freezer.

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