Monday, October 3, 2011

Our apple orchard, grapes, and canning!

Our apple pressing day at the family farm.

Holy cow....Look at all the apples! This was the first load of apples that we pressed.

Our canning shelf at the office. I love the vintage Pepsi icon:) This only displays a small portion of our goodies, since we freeze a lot of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, meat, etc. I will have to take another picture once we stock it with all of our canned apple juice (if it will fit on the shelves!).

This is a picture of one of the many apples trees from our orchard. We had a great year this year.

These pictures are some of the grapevines from our apple orchard coop. We made grape juice and grape jelly from these. However, I find that you need to add a lot of sugar to the juice, whereas apple cider is in its pure form with no added sugar. I would like to get into winemaking someday too! I did, however, have the opportunity to work at a local vineyard here picking grapes. And the best part of that besides the opportunity was the pay....a bottle of wine and hour! I have many bottles of excellent wine to enjoy now!

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