Saturday, October 8, 2011

Deke Slayton Memorial Space and Bike Museum in Sparta, WI

I can't believe in all my years in Sparta, I have never been to the Deke Slayton Memorial Space and Bike Museum. One of my friends told me that during the first two weeks in October, if you mention Monroe County 4-H at the museum, admission is free! Makenna and I were heading to the library one afternoon while Kinzi was at school, and we decided to pay a visit to the museum since they are right across the street from each other. It was a neat place to see!

According to this scale, Makenna would be 5.5 lbs on the moon, 13 lbs on Mars, 28.5 lbs on Venus, and 34 lbs on Earth. I would be 19 lbs on the moon, 47 lbs on Mars, and 100 lbs on Venus. If you feel motivated enough, you could calculate my Earth weight, but for right now I will keep that my secret!!

1 comment:

Prairie Scraps said...

I can't believe you hadn't been there yet! It's a staple for Sparta for sure!