Sunday, June 29, 2008


Greetings everyone! We just returned from a vacation. First, we flew into Tampa, where we stayed at the home of Dennis and Robin for a few days (Robin and Leo do the same line of work). We had a real nice time staying in their guest house, horse-back riding, and swimming in their pool. The last night we were there, they hosted a huge barbeque with shrimp and crab, etc. Then we drove 8 hours to Pensacola Beach, where we had a condo for 8 days. Leo's cousins and aunts and uncles come every year and Leo's dad and his sister, Mary, came down from Wisconsin. We decided that we are going to make it a yearly trip. Then on Fri., June 19th, we drove to New Orleans, where we stayed for a few nights until our flight on Sun. We went to another barbeque there at Marilyn's house (who is a client of HDS) and it was amazing!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Welcome home, strangers!!!