Monday, August 8, 2016

Makenna at the fair

Trying some new food at St Elias Mediterranean Festival.  I cannot remember what it was called but it was a sweet, fried dessert with cinnamon and sugar.  

Lark Toys

Fishing at the National Eagle Center

Kinzi's catch of the day!

Down a Country Road

This cat looks just like our cat Blacksmith, who ran away.  I asked if we could keep him but the owners said no:-)

Jumping pad at Marieke Gouda


Makenna with her camp counselor, Hannah

Kinzi with her counselor, Ella

Nothing would be complete without a stop at Marieke Gouda in Thorpe.  The main eating area was full so they told us we could go upstairs.  What a sweet, hidden secret!  We had the entire place to ourselves and it was so cute and cozy.  The girls loved these chairs that went up and down.

Chilling upstairs at Marieke Gouda

And don't forget the cone!  Tequila Margarita Flavor!

Swinging bridge in Gilman

Artesian Well at Mondeaux Dam.  The water was so cold and refreshing.


Hanging loose in Waikiki

Infinity pool by the beach

Sandy Beach

Oh how I love summer!  So far it has been an epic summer.  There is so much to do in Wisconsin when the weather is warm (winter is a different story).  I created a bucket list to make our summer epic.  I guess I would say it is more of an ongoing list than a list that needs to be completed this summer.  There is only so much time and money available to do them all.  But as you can see, we have completed a lot of it!  

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Rocky Mountain National Park

Traveling makes me realize the world is big but God is bigger!   -Dr. Juli Slattery

The girls saw a patch of snow so they wanted to hike up to it.  Nothing like finding snow in the summer!  It didn't look that far away from the car, but turned out to be a quite a hike.  It must have been around 11,000 feet and the wind was blowing right at you.  With the wind and being at such a high elevation, it was much harder to breathe.  

The small patch of snow that we just had to get to!

/Sliding on the snow

An elk right by the snow patch.  There were several more (at least 10) near us

On our way back down

Colorado Wildflowers